OMSI Repaint – Great Grundorf Bus Service Repaint for Lancsbus Omnidecker


This pack is made for the Add-On Lancsbus Omnidecker by Masterswitch Studios.

Please unzip the “Vehicles” folder to your OMSI2 directory.
The repaint is made according to Great Grundorf Bus Service Standard Livery Guideline.

Optional Extras

Great Grundorf 2 144×19 Hanover Display

Download Link

Google Drive

OMSI Repaint – Great Grundorf Bus Service Repaint for Add-On London Buses


This pack is made for Citybus 200 and Citybus Evociti from the Add-On London.

Please unzip the “Vehicles” folder to your OMSI2 directory.
The repaint is made according to Great Grundorf Bus Service Standard Livery Guideline.

Optional Extras

Great Grundorf 2 Powerblind for Add-On London Buses

Download Link

Google Drive

OMSI Repaint – Great Grundorf Bus Service Repaint for Studio Polygon Buses


These packs are made for the Studio Polygon Lite and Studio Polygon 400 MMC.

Please extract all the files to your OMSI2 directory.
The repaints are made according to Great Grundorf Bus Service Standard Livery Guideline.

Optional Extras

Great Grundorf 2 144×19 Hanover Display

Download Link

For Studio Polygon Lite
For Studio Polygon 400 MMC

Great Grundorf 2 144×19 Hanover Display


The display texture is loosely based on the style of KMB's Route Display set
The hof file is optimized for buses by Masterswitch Studios' Buses and Studio Polygon's Buses fitted with Hanover DG3 controller.

Please unzip the “Vehicles” folder to your OMSI2 directory.
And put the hof file to the bus folder.

For the original LHD map, please use “GreatGrundorf2_LHD.hof”.
For the modded RHD map, please use “GreatGrundorf2_RHD.hof”.


For Masterswitch Studios' Buses: Google Drive

For Studio Polygon's Buses: Google Drive
Fix for Lite v1.2.2 and 400MMC v1.2 (require main SP pack): Google Drive

OMSI Repaint – Great Grundorf Bus Service Repaint for Digibus Phantom


This pack is made for the Add-On Digibus Phantom by V3D.

Please unzip the “Vehicles” folder to your OMSI2 directory.
The repaint is made according to Great Grundorf Bus Service Standard Livery Guideline.

Optional Extras

Official Digibus Phantom Branding Pack
Citybus Style Great Grundorf 2 LHT Rollband

Download Link

Google Drive

OMSI Repaint – Great Grundorf Bus Service Repaint for ADL E200MMC


This pack is made for the ADL Enviro 200 MMC by V3D.

Please unzip the “Vehicles” folder to your OMSI2 directory.
The repaint is made according to Great Grundorf Bus Service Standard Livery Guideline.

Optional Extras

Great Grundorf 2 Krueger++ Route Display in NWST Style
Great Grundorf 2 144×19 Hanover Display

Download Link

Google Drive

OMSI Repaint – Great Grundorf Bus Service Repaint for ALX400

5/2/2020 00:36 (UTC+8) Updated for B7TL Released v1

This repaint pack is made for the following buses:

  • V3D's TransBus ALX400 (London Spec) v1.03a
  • V3D's TransBus ALX400 (Regional Spec) v1.03
  • V3D's Volvo B7TL / ALX400 v1

Please unzip the “Vehicles” folder to your OMSI2 directory.

Download Link

Google Drive

Great Grundorf 2 Krueger++ Route Display in NWST Style

Please unzip the "Anzeigen" folder to "X:OMSIVehicles".
Put the suitable hof file to the bus folder.

For the original LHD map, please use "GreatGrundorf2_LHD.hof".
For the modded RHD map, please use "GreatGrundorf2_RHD.hof".

Download: Google Drive

Special Thanks GJFTA for the NWST style characters.